Estate Planning

Provide for your loved ones even after you’re no longer able to

Secure Your Legacy

Our final service is making sure your estate is distributed as you wish. We will work with your estate attorney or help you find one who fits your needs.

Estate planning is about ensuring your hard-earned assets are distributed as you intend, minimizing the potential for family conflicts and legal issues, and providing for your loved ones’ well-being even after you’re no longer able to do so yourself. It’s a responsibly and compassionate step to take to secure your legacy and the future of your family. 

  • At ID Wealth, we work hand in hand with families and their attorneys to ensure proper implementation of their documents. 
  • Our advisors offer a friendly face in the room with attorneys so that everyone is on the same page while providing proper financial information to the attorney.
  • We pride ourselves on properly executing our clients’ final wishes in a compassionate and educational way with their heirs when the time comes.
old couple taking a selfy on the beach

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